Returns, Refund And Exchange

Before you make a decision to return our saree, please note the time and effort that goes into making each of our handcrafted kanjivaram sarees. Our artisans work efficiently, and pay individual attention to all the details in the making of each saree.


  • We Have A NO RETURN NO EXCHANGE Policy on All Our Products as each of our products are bespoke from the other.
  • Our product goes through two levels of quality check to ensure zero defect or damage before the shipments dispatched from our facility.
  • In a case of rarity, a manufacturing defect is found upon delivery you can raise a complaint with our customer support team to reach an amicable resolution.
  • Please note Colour rendition of the sarees might slightly vary from the image on the screen, due to lighting and LED screen brightness of individual screens and returns will not be accepted for the above stated reason however, you can contact our customer support team for any clarification on the colour of the product before you place your order. 
  • Once the order is confirmed, refund or cancellation of the order is not possible.
  • In a case of rarity an order is double booked the amount charged will be credited back to the customers source account.